2023 winners

Mayor’s Highly Commended - Patrick Kelly
Mayor’s Highly Commended - Kathryn Jordan
Mayor’s Prize - Mila Bell

Junior – Highly Commended – Romeo Barret
Junior - Third - Eve Toward
Junior – Second - Emelie Mitchell-Taverner
Junior – First - Luna Leis

Intermediate – Highly Commended - Hesper Kelso Black
Intermediate – Highly Commended - Austin Zhang
Intermediate – Third - Brideah Cronin
Intermediate – Second - Toby
Intermediate – First - Patrick Kelly

Best New Media - Sarah Toward
Best 3 Dimensional - Dallas and Summer Pumpa-Jones
Best Interpretation of the theme - Griffin Hincksman
Best Interpretation of the theme - Kathryn Jordan

Senior – Highly Commended - Siena Taylor
Senior – Third - Yana Dalglish
Senior – Second - Coco Batu-Sampson
Senior – First - Arfi – Angus Fisher

Key Dates

27 February – Applications open

25 May – Submissions close

26 May – Artworks delivered to the Waverley Library

2 June – Exhibition opening and awards announcement

2 – 28 June – Exhibition on view at the Waverley Library