Cultural diversity

Waverley is home to a diverse community that includes people from all around the world, speaking different languages, and adhering to various beliefs. It is also a popular destination for local, national and international visitors.

For more information about our diverse community, click to view a snapshot of our multicultural community.

Our commitment

Waverley Council is committed to building a welcoming, cohesive and resilient community where people of all cultural backgrounds can belong and participate in social, cultural, economic and civic life.

This stems from our strong affirmation that racism and discrimination have no place in Waverley.

Our commitment is demonstrated through our Cultural Diversity Strategy (2021 - 2031) which was informed through community input and collaboration with local stakeholders, peak bodies, and representatives from local organisations, including Council’s Multicultural Advisory Committee.

Projects and initiatives

  • Informing and consulting with our Multicultural Advisory Committee
  • Continuing to employ a Community Development Officer, Diversity
  • Implementing initiatives that make our services more accessible
  • Working in partnership with the community on programs and events

Want to know more?

Contact Council's Community Development Officer, Diversity on 9083 8999 or