
In all purchasing decisions, Waverley Council is committed to achieving best value for money to improve services and outcomes for the residents.

When seeking quotations and inviting tenders for the carrying out of work or the supply of goods and services, Council must adhere to the following principles:

  • Open and effective competition;
  • Value for money;
  • Contribute to the development of competitive local business and industry;
  • Environmental protection; and
  • Ethical behaviour and fair dealing.

Doing business with Council

Waverley Council utilises an online e-tendering platform for all tenders, quotations and expressions of interest (EOI). Suppliers wishing to do business with Council are encouraged to register with VendorPanel an e-tendering solution that enables suppliers to download tender documents online free of charge. By clicking on the registration tab, you will need to provide full details of your organisation, including the addition of keywords which best describes the type of work that your business undertakes.

Council particularly encourages businesses within its local government area (LGA) to register on VendorPanel.

Methods of procurement

Depending on the level of expenditure, we are required to use different methods of procurement to ensure legislative compliance. (All prices quoted in this guide are GST inclusive.)

At bare minimum, every supplier will always be asked to supply a written quotation. For expenditure of $5001 or more, Council will always get competitive quotes. For expenditure of $250,000 or more there will be a public tender process.


Council must invite tenders before making a contract for carrying out works, or the supply of goods or services involving a cost of $250,000 or more.

All purchases within this level:

  • must comply with Section 55 of the Local Government Act, the Local Government Tendering Regulation and the Council’s Procurement Policy and related Guidelines;
  • must have approval to go to tender;
  • require public or selective tenders to be invited before entering into any contract to purchase

The invitation will be by the eTendering platform VendorPanel.

Please note Council must disclose all tenderers names (including those that are unsuccessful).

Council may use a tender process for contract values less than $250,000 as needed.

To view current tenders, click here.

Expression of interest (EOI)

Council may utilise an expression of interest (EOI) process regardless of the expenditure level.

Generally, an expression of interest process will involve multiple stages, where Council advises the need for a product or service and asks suppliers who think they can fulfil the requirement to respond to the EOI. Depending on the expenditure level, shortlisted suppliers may then be asked to supply competitive quotes or take part in a select tender process.

To view current EOIs, click here.

Commencing a business relationship with Council

No matter the expenditure level, contractors and suppliers should not supply any goods or services without first receiving a purchase order and in accordance with Council's Purchasing Terms and Conditions.

Depending on the expenditure level, a formal contract and/or letter of acceptance may also be supplied.

Purchase orders

If you are successful with your quotation, you will be added to the Waverley Council payment system, and you will receive a purchase order with a reference number. This purchase order and number is essential to ensure prompt payment.

Purchase orders will be forwarded to you electronically.

Once you have the purchase order number you can supply goods, works or services to Council.

Our purchase order includes supplier name, ABN details, contact details, details of goods, works or services to be provided and the price.

Contracts and letters of acceptance

When you have submitted a successful tender you will receive a letter of acceptance detailing requirements prior to starting works or the supply of goods and services. This may include copies of current insurances, safety plans, environmental plans, traffic management plans, relevant licences and accreditations along with any security deposits (where applicable).

The provision of goods, works or services cannot start until we have received signed copy of the letter of acceptance and the contract (where applicable).

Contracts are mandatory for any good or service that went to tender, but may be utilised for lower value expenditure as well. Please note Council must disclose all contracts valued at $150,000 or more.

Invoicing & payments

Waverley Council’s standard payment terms are 30 days after satisfactory delivery of the goods or services AND receipt of a correctly rendered invoice.

Where a contract allows for it, you may be paid progressively for satisfactory completion of the work. This is commonly called a milestone payment. In this case, the contract will indicate dates or work completion targets that must be met before you can submit your invoice for payment. Milestone invoices are paid under the same terms.

Please ensure that the purchase order or relevant contract number is quoted on the invoice. Use this number as a reference in any payment enquiries.

Our preferred method of payment is electronic funds transfer. For prompt payment, please ensure that all your details including ownership changes, trading names, insurances and bank details are up to date.

More information

For further information, contact the Procurement Team at