Re-right Collective

The re-right collective (Re-Right) is an artistic collective between Dennis Golding and Carmen Glynn-Braun that spans across artistic, curatorial, writing and research disciplines. The collective centre on stories of contemporary life with an approach to heal and strengthen the voices of First Nations history and experiences.

Southern Arrente, Kaytetye and Ammatyerre artist Carmen Glynn-Braun takes a trans-disciplinary approach across many mediums including painting, sculpture and installation. Her work predominantly explores lived experiences of Aboriginal women translated through gentle and experimental approaches to materials and form.

Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay artist Dennis Golding critiques the social, political and cultural representations of race and identity. Working in a range of mixed media including painting, video, photography and installation, Golding explores empowering notions of Indigenous cultural identity by challenging the categorical boundaries from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous experiences.

The artists co-founded Re-Right to provide a safe space for emerging First Nations practitioners to form ideas and build a support network within the cultural arts sector. Re-Right strive to expand their creative practice through collaboration with a key goal to highlight resilience and truthful narratives of history and cultural identity.