Jacquie Meng

Jacquie Meng (b.1998, Hangzhou) works with painting, sound, and installation. Her work redefines diasporic cultural identity beyond national and geographical specificities, rather seeing it as unfixed. Through consideration of posthumanism, performativity, and the migration of objects and imagery between cultures, Meng breaks down binaries of “East”/”West”, real/imagined, and human/non-human. This often involves a fusing of mythology and folklore with memories, fictions, and contemporary aesthetics.

Meng was awarded the Brett Whitely travelling scholarship in 2021, was a finalist in the churchie Emerging Art Prize at the IMA, and was a part of PICA’s Hatched 2022. In 2023, she completed two overseas artist residencies, at Kunstraum in New York (April-July) and Pilotenkueche International Art Program Leipzig (July-September). Meng is represented by Stanley Street Gallery.