Meire Marchiori

Name: Meire Marchiori
Qualification: Certificate III in Children’s Services
Service Name: The Yellow Woodpecker Family Day Care
Suburb: Maroubra
Service Hours: 7:30am- 5:00pm (Monday - Thursday)

My name is Tia-Meire Marchiori and I run The Yellow Woodpecker-FDC, registered with the Waverley Family Day Care scheme since 2014.

I am qualified Certificate III in Children’s Services, First Aid Certificate and CPR, Brazilian born, I arrived in Australia in 1988 and I am an Australian citizen since 1995

I am a qualified and recognized Capoeira Master ( Brazilian martial arts) teaching the art form for children from 2- 5 and 5-13 yrs/old. Two different programs that I developed considering and respecting the children’s ages and physical development, with more than 25 years’ experience working with Children in this field.

The Yellow Woodpecker – FDC provides a ‘home-like’ setting, where children play & work together. By providing a safe, educationally & socially enriching environment, the children in my care are encouraged to learning through play & exploring their surroundings, it creates an atmosphere where social, emotional, physical & cognitive development can take place. This is met through providing a variety of activities & experiences that allows the child to be creative, to discover & to solve problems. Children will learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy & respect