United to end racism

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Waverley Council is committed to building a welcoming, cohesive and resilient community where people of all cultural backgrounds can belong and participate in social, cultural, economic and civic life.

In 2021, as part of the development of Waverley Council’s Cultural Diversity Strategy, community members asked Council to take a strong stance against racism and discrimination, and ensure that community members feel safe and supported.

In 2022, Council launched the local campaign, United to End Racism

  • raise awareness about all forms of racism and its impact
  • create opportunities for meaningful conversations
  • empower everyone to take simple steps to help end racism.

The campaign includes feedback and ideas from Council’s Multicultural Advisory Committee. It features landmarks, such as footpath decals, banners, and posters in highly visited areas, an art competition, and a series of community events to be held between May and October 2022. As a ‘living’ campaign, it is intended to generate community dialogue and might include additional features.

Stay safe and keep the people around you safe if you witness or experience racism before considering other actions you can take.

Be there for people experiencing racism. Speak to, sit or stand next to the person experiencing racism to show your support. Check with the person experiencing racism how they would like to respond to the incident.

Report racism, wherever it happens:

  • In an emergency or life-threatening situation, call Triple Zero (000) and ask for police.
  • If you are threatened with violence but there is no immediate danger, take photos, record the incident and call the Police Assistance Line (131 444).
  • If the incident is not a police matter and you cannot resolve the situation directly, or you do not feel comfortable, you can seek some general advice and make a complaint with the Anti-Discrimination NSW or the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). You can also lodge a complaint using the Translating and Interpreting Service: 131 450.