
Waverley Council acknowledges that not all people in the community have access to safe and secure accommodation. Council is committed to addressing homelessness and works with a number specialist services and government agencies on homelessness initiatives.

  • Homeless Support Services
  • The Waverley Homeless Persons Protocol guides Council officers in providing support to homeless people living in public places and to increase their access to services and to minimise the negative impacts homelessness has on their lives.
  • The Eastern Suburbs Homeless Assertive - outreach Collaborative (ESHAC) is a service provider network of which Council is a partner.  The ESHAC co-ordinates outreach and specialist services that work closely with people to provide tailored supports and assistance to transition people to suitable accommodation. 16 people living in public spaces in Waverley have been housed over the last two years, including people with complex needs. This achievement is a result of the work of the ESHAC.
  • The Annual Street Count provides a snapshot of the number of people living in open space on a single night in February each year.  The snapshot shows the 2024 Street Count is consistent with prior counts and indicates that homelessness has remained stable in the eastern suburbs. The number of people homeless in the eastern suburbs and Waverley was slightly lower than the previous year.  This may be due to the extreme weather on the night of the count.

For more information on the 2024 Street Count click here.

How can I help homeless people?

You can best help homeless people by volunteering or donating to local organisations that assist people to get the help and accommodation they need. For further information contact:

Don’t be a dumper

It may seem to be a helpful and kind thing to do, but often rough sleepers do not need or want items that members of the public give them. Homeless people tell us they feel obliged to take items such as bedding and clothing even though they do not want them. Homeless people have limited ability to keep or store these items so please do not give items that are a burden to homeless people and often end up as dumped rubbish.

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Need more information?

Community Development Officer
Phone: 9083 8928