
Waverley celebrates National Volunteer Week 2024

Volunteer expo 2024

National Volunteer Week 2024 (Monday 20 May - Sunday 26 May 2024) was celebrated at the Bondi Pavilion on Thursday 23 May.

The theme this year is “Something for Everyone” showcasing the vast spectrum of volunteering possibilities and the transformative impact that takes place when everyone finds their meaningful role in making a difference.

Waverley Council celebrated our caring and giving volunteer community at a celebratory afternoon tea which featured special guest speaker and founder of OzHarvest Ronni Kahn AO.

Click through to view the event Photo Gallery.

Waverley Volunteer Expo 2023

Parachute Bondi Playgroups Volunteer ExpoParachute Bondi Playgroups Volunteer Expo

Waverley Council's 2023 Volunteer Expo took place on Saturday 16 of September at The Bondi Pavilion.

Visitors and guests attending had a great time learning about and meeting some of the almost 30 participating groups that took part. Attended by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Waverley and special guests, the Expo featured talks, activities, entertainment and proved a great opportunity for visitors to network, laugh and get to know and learn about many of the fantastic volunteer opportunities and organisations in our area, and the people that support them by contributing to help make our community a better place to live and be.

Cemetery Gardening

Cam Scott Volunteer Expo Talk 2023

Waverley celebrates National Volunteer Week 2023

National Volunteer Week 2023 (Monday 15 May - Sunday 21 May 2023) celebrated our collective power to drive change and ensure volunteering is inclusive of all members of the Australian community.

The theme this year for National Volunteer week was the Change Makers, what kind of Change Maker are you?

More than six million Australians volunteer each year and are happier and healthier as a result and did you know that more than 16% of Waverley residents commit time to volunteer each year.   Volunteering is a great way to connect with other people in Waverley, leading to new friendships, diverse experiences, skill development and an increased sense of wellbeing , as well as helping to make our community a better place to live.


Thank you Waverley volunteers for your dedication, contribution, selfless service, and for being the shining examples of what it means to be a compassionate and kind member of the Waverley Community.

Listed below are some volunteer programs at Waverley Council that may be of interest to you

Volunteer programs

  • Environmental Sustainability
    Second Nature is a community program to make sustainability second nature in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Volunteers assist with events, program development and environmental engagement activities.
  • Waverley Community & Seniors Centre
    Waverley Community and Seniors Centre is a great place to get fit, meet people and to participate in community life. Volunteers assist with craft, exercise and other activities or just help out with morning tea.
  • Bushcare
    The Waverley Bushcare team aims to continue to improve the quality of bushland areas, to maintain a healthy coast and provide habitat for the local wildlife. Volunteers assist with such roles as planting, weeding and mulching usually on a monthly basis at one of the six sites across the LGA.
  • Urban Gardening
    Volunteers maintain gardens in public spaces, enlivening unused areas and building a sense of community.
  • Access & Inclusion
    The Waverley Community Living Program provides services to support adults with an intellectual disability to live fulfilling and independent lives. Volunteers assist participants with skills development as well as social and recreational activities. There are also volunteering opportunities to assist with Access and Inclusion events throughout the year.
  • Friends of Waverley Cemetery
    Volunteers with Friends of Waverley Cemetery facilitate tours of the cemetery and assist with gardening projects at the site.
  • Waverley Library
    Waverley Library has a range of volunteering opportunities available from Tech Help, Local Studies and General Library assistance. We also accept students completing community service as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
  • Community Justice of the Peace
    Waverley Council offers a Justice of the Peace service, which operates from the Customer Service Centre on Spring St, Bondi Junction on weekdays and Waverley Library on Saturdays. Volunteers need to be registered Justice of the Peace and a member of the NSW Justices Association.
  • Children & Family Services
    Waverley Council has four Early Education Centres and one Family Day Care service providing high-quality early education and care programs. Volunteer roles include assistance with programs, such as story time, gardening, art and play-based learning.
  • Arts & Culture
    Waverley is at the heart of arts and culture in the eastern suburbs with theatre, music, markets, galleries, studios, talks, festivals and events scheduled throughout the year. Volunteers support annual events within this program across various sites in Waverley.
  • Neighbourhood Placemaking Projects
    Community-led placemakaing and neighbourhood improvement projects harness the creativity and energy of residents to transform neglected areas through quick, short-term and low-cost initiatives. Volunteers make these ideas come to life, creating community art projects, street libraries, urban games or local village celebrations.
  • Waverley Cemeteries
    Waverley and South Head Cemeteries are heritage listed iconic sites in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Volunteering roles include gardening and maintenance of these spectacular sites.

Interested in joining one of our volunteering programs? Get in touch!

Complete this application formThis external link will open in a new window to apply for a volunteer opportunity at Waverley Council.

You can also email the Coordinator Local Connections at connected@waverley.nsw.gov.au should you have a question, or would prefer a Volunteer application form that you can print, email, mail or drop off to our Customer Service Centre.  We will then be in touch to let you know what opportunities are available to match your interests and experience.

Privacy statement: The information contained in the volunteer application form is private and confidential. Waverley Council will not disclose this information to any person or body if it is not directly related to the purpose for which the information was collected.

Volunteer resources

Need more information?
Coordinator Local Connections
Phone: 9083 8916

Email: connected@waverley.nsw.gov.au

Address: Cnr Paul Street & Bondi Road, Bondi Junction (Council Chambers)