Get involved

We're lucky to live in a unique and beautiful corner of the world, and so we’ve set strong environmental targets to protect our place and our planet. But we can’t succeed without the collaboration, participation and inspiration of our local community and businesses. Working together, we can all make sustainability second nature. Below are a variety of programs and activities you can join to help fight climate change and improve and protect our environment.

You can also join community led actions and activities, by joining our amazing local community groups and organisations.

Second Nature Ticketing Policy

To ensure Council resources are targeted and effectively deployed, Second Nature events and activities are generally ticketed to ensure participants’ names, contact details and other relevant information is recorded for evaluation purposes and to provide a channel for follow-up or further engagement. Council adheres to all relevant privacy regulations and participant information will never be shared with third parties.

To ensure Council resources are effectively managed we may, for some activities, charge a nominal fee at registration to encourage participant attendance, and to ensure catering, resources and other materials are not wasted.

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Sign up to Second Nature to get the latest local environment news from Waverley Council.

Climate Change & Resilience
Sustainable Water
Urban Ecology & Bushcare
Waste & Sustainable Materials
Sustainable Apartment Buildings
Sustainable Schools