
If you own land, a home or business within the Waverley local government area (LGA), you will be required to pay rates to Council.

The income collected from rates is used by Council to provide essential infrastructure and services such as roads, footpaths, parks, sporting fields, playgrounds, stormwater drainage, swimming pools, community centres, cycle ways, public amenities and Waverley Library.

Council is authorised to levy and collect land rates and charges under the NSW Local Government Act 1993.

Pay Rates
Can I receive rates notices via email and/or access past rates notices?

  1. You can request a copy of your rates, instalment and reminder notices be sent to you via email - simply submit your details using our online form.
  2. You can now also register to get access to copies of the past two years rate notices. Simply create an account at the following  https://waverley.noticearchive.com.au/.

How are rates calculated?

Rates can vary depending on the type, size and use of your property or land.

Rates for each property are calculated based on the land value supplied by the Land and Property Information (LPI) Division of the Department of Lands (formerly known as the NSW Valuer General’s Office). This land valuation does not take into account any improvements that have been made to the parcel of land, such as buildings or other structures.

Every three years, land valuations for property within the Waverley LGA are reviewed by the LPI and new valuations may be supplied. The most recent land valuations were supplied for the period 1 July 2023 until 30 June 2026.

Rates are also calculated according to the rate category of your land, as either residential or business. Properties are categorised based on the main use of the land, or the permitted use of the land if it is vacant.  Download a map of the rating categories across the Waverley LGA.

If you think the rating categorisation of your land is incorrect, please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9369 8000 to request a review. If you still believe it is incorrect after the review, you can appeal to the Land and Environment Court within 30 days of receiving the Council determination.

How are rate increases determined?

The total income that Council can levy from rates is limited, and is determined annually by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) and the NSW Minister for Local Government.

Using a system called rate pegging, IPART sets a maximum percentage increase that each Council can apply to their total rating income. Any increase over and above this maximum would require a special rate variation application to be lodged with IPART.

Council's current rating structure, which outlines the rates and charges you will have to pay and how they will be calculated, is available in the Operational Plan. Council consults the community when developing its Operational Plan (every year) and Delivery Plan (every four years). These plans identify the projects, activities and services Council plans to deliver over the specified timeframe and the amount of rating income that will be used to achieve the objectives of each Plan.

The Operational Plan is made available for public comment in April or May each year. For more information about the rating structure and breakdown of expenditure, view Council’s Operational Plan.

When do I need to pay my rates?

Rates notices are issued four times each financial year. You can choose to pay your rates in full as stated on the rate notice by 31 August each year, or by quarterly instalments.

If you choose to pay by quarterly instalments, payment is due on the following dates:

When to pay your rate
Issue NumberType Due Date
1 First Quarterly Notice 31 August
2 Second Quarterly Notice 30 November
3 Third Quarterly Notice 28 February
4 Fourth Quarterly Notice 31 May

How do I pay my rates?

There are a number of ways you can pay your rates:

  • In person at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 55 Spring St, Bondi Junction, between Monday and Friday, 9am - 5pm.
  • By sending a cheque or money order and the payment slip at the bottom of the notice to Locked Bag W127, SYDNEY, NSW, 1292.
  • By credit card or direct debit via Council’s website.
  • Online by direct debit
  • Via BPAY® using your participating bank’s online banking platforms. Please use Council's Biller Code 1610 and the Customer Reference Number located on your rate and instalment notices.
  • By making a payment at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank in Australia using the payment slip at the bottom of the notice.
  • By calling the automated Rates Payment line 1300 303 698 to pay by credit card, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Please note that all credit card transactions for rates and charges payments are subject to a service fee of 0.8% due to merchant costs incurred by Council.

What happens if I pay my rates late?

If an instalment is not received by the due date, the payment will be considered overdue and an interest rate may be applied.

How do I change the name on my rates notice?

The name on your rate notice needs to correspond with the ownership of the property being rated. It may only be changed in the following circumstances:

  • Marriage – please provide a copy of the Births, Deaths and Marriages marriage certificate, either in person at Council's Customer Service Centre or by post to  Council along with a copy of your rate notice.
  • Change of name – please supply a copy of the Change of Name certificate that was issued by Births, Deaths and Marriages, either in person at Council's Customer Service Centre or by post to  Council along with a copy of your rate notice.
  • Sale or transfer of land – this information is received by Council directly from the NSW Land Titles Office after a property sale or transfer by your legal representatives.

How can I change the postal address for my rates notice?

If you have moved or would like to change the postal address for your rate notices, you can request it be changed in one of the following ways:

  • By completing and submitting our online form.
  • Send an email to info@waverley.nsw.gov.au with your name, current postal address and the address where you would like your future rate notices to be sent.
  • By post addressed to:
    The General Manager
    PO Box 9
    Bondi Junction 1355.
  • In person at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 55 Spring St, Bondi Junction between Monday and Friday, 9am - 5pm.

What is BPAY View®?

BPAY View® delivers bills straight to your secure online or mobile banking, making it easy to stay in control of your rates payments. Get reminded to pay your rates on time with convenient email, SMS or bank reminders.

Find out more at bpay.com.au/ or contact your bank for further information.

Is there a discount for pensioners?

Eligible pensioners may be entitled to a maximum rebate of $300.00 per financial year on their rates. To qualify, you must hold a current pensioner concession card issued by Centrelink.

To check if you qualify for the rebate, please contact Council's Customer Service Centre on 9083 8000.

What can I do if I am experiencing financial hardship?

If you are experiencing financial hardship and are having trouble making your rate payments, Council may be able to assist you. Council offers individual payment plans so that you can make regular payments without incurring recovery or interest fees.

To find out if you might be eligible, please contact Council's Customer Service Centre on 9083 8000 to discuss your options. Alternatively, please send a written request via email to Council or a letter addressed to The General Manager, PO Box 9, BONDI JUNCTION 2135 outlining your circumstances and requesting an individual payment plan.

Are there any properties that are exempt from paying rates and charges?

Some land is exempt from rates and charges due to land use or the ownership. To be considered exempt from rates and charges, the land must be:

  • owned by the State and Federal Government
  • within a national park, historic site, nature reserve or state game reserve
  • owned by Sydney Water Corporation
  • owned and occupied by a religious body (e.g. churches or synagogues)
  • owned  and used in connection with a school
  • held in the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council or a Local Aboriginal Land Council.

If you believe the land you are paying rates for should be exempt from rates and charges, you must apply in writing to Council and provide evidence that the land meets the provisions of the New South Wales Local Government Act.

What is the Domestic Waste Charge?

Your rates notice includes an annual Domestic Waste Charge (DWC) to Council to manage and collect residential waste. This is authorised under Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993.

This charge funds Council's household recycling service, garden organics collection and processing, waste collection and disposal, clean-up service and public place cleansing. It includes landfill tipping fees, as well as the NSW Government Section 88 landfill levy which increases each year as part of the NSW Government's strategy to reduce landfill.

Where can I get more information?

For more information about paying rates in Waverley, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 9083 8000.

You can follow the links below to find out more about rates and charges:

Related forms/documents

Register to receive your notices electronically

Register Now

Change your postal address

If you have moved or would like to change the postal address for your rate notices, you can now update your details online - simply complete and submit our online form.