Waverley Cycling Advisory Committee

Waverley Council's transport plan, Waverley's People, Movement and Places, commits Council to a transport hierarchy that puts pedestrians first, followed by people on bicycles, public transport, service vehicles, shared mobility and then private motor vehicles.

The transport plan includes a range of signature projects and actions related to cycling including a network of separated cycleways, secure bike parking facilities at Bondi Junction interchange, bike parking throughout the LGA, facilitating active travel to schools, and continuing to roll out the Waverley Bike Plan.

Public consultation on the transport plan revealed overwhelming community support for increased cycling infrastructure, in particular for separated cycleways which were ranked by the community as the highest priority transport project for Council. On 20 March 2018, Council resolved to establish a Cycling Advisory Committee to implement the cycling related actions of the People Movement and Places plan.

Click on the link to view the Terms of Reference.

Objectives of the Committee

The objectives of the Waverley Cycling Advisory Committee are to:

  1. Ensure better cycling outcomes are achieved for the Waverley community (measured by increased cycling participation).
  2. Enhance consultation between Council and the bike-riding community to advise and assist Waverley Council to better:
    1. Plan for cycling networks, infrastructure and facilities
    2. Build and maintain quality cycling infrastructure and facilities
    3. Encourage cycling participation across the community including schools, businesses, families, individuals and visitors to the LGA
    4. Coordinate efforts across different organisations including state and federal government agencies and representatives, the bicycle industry including share bike operators, neighbouring councils, and non-government organisations.

The Committee is advisory-only, with no delegation to make decisions on behalf of Council.

How often does the committee meet?

WCAC meets at least four times a year.

Who attends the meetings?

  • Three nominated Councillors,
  • Two representatives of the local bicycle user group, BIKEast,
  • Five community representatives with who have a connection to the Waverley LGA and wish to advance the cause of everyday cycling participation throughout our community.

The meetings are open to the public.

Meeting details

The Committee is advisory-only, with no delegation to make decisions on behalf of Council. Committee Minutes are reported to Council. Minutes may include recommendations to Council for consideration.


          20 March 2024
          6 December 2023
          5 July 2023
          15 June 2022
          13 October 2021


          5 July 2023
          6 December 2023
          15 June 2022
          13 October 2021


For more information or to contact the Committee, please email: transport@waverley.nsw.gov.au.

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