Council meetings

The elected Council is the decision-making body for the government and management of the Waverley Local Government Area.

The elected Council consists of 12 councillors, one of whom is the mayor.


Council meets each month to consider and determine matters related to its role. The Local Government Act 1993 sets out the role of the elected Council as follows:

  • To direct and control the affairs of the council in accordance with the Act.
  • To provide effective civic leadership to the local community.
  • To ensure as far as possible the financial sustainability of the council.
  • To ensure as far as possible that the council acts in accordance with the principles for local government and the plans, programs, strategies and polices of the council.
  • To develop and endorse the community strategic plan, delivery program and other strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the council.
  • To determine and adopt a rating and revenue policy and operational plans that support the optimal allocation of the council’s resources to implement the strategic plans (including the community strategic plan) of the council and for the benefit of the local area.
  • To keep under review the performance of the council, including service delivery.
  • To make decisions necessary for the proper exercise of the council’s regulatory functions.
  • To determine the process for appointment of the general manager by the council and to monitor the general manager’s performance.
  • To determine the senior staff positions within the organisation structure of the council.
  • To consult regularly with community organisations and other key stakeholders and keep them informed of the council’s decisions and activities.
  • To be responsible for ensuring that the council acts honestly, efficiently and appropriately.


All 12 councillors are members of Council.


Council meetings are chaired by the mayor, Cr Will Nemesh. If the mayor is unable to chair the meeting, the deputy mayor Cr Keri Spooner will chair the meeting.

There will be further changes to the Committee pages following the 29 October 2024 Council meeting.

Meeting days and times

Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.00 pm at The Boot Factory 27-33 Spring St, Bondi Junction.

Agendas and minutes

Agendas are available on Council’s website from 12 pm on the Friday before the meeting.

Minutes are available on Council’s website from 12 pm on the Monday following the meeting.

Public participation

Council meetings are open to the public, except any part of the meeting that is held in closed session.

Members of the public can address the Council on items on the agenda, or alternatively email their submission to Councillors prior to the meeting.

Meeting live stream

Council meetings are streamed live via the internet and an audio-visual recording of the meeting will be publicly available on Council’s website.