Sustainability Expert Advisory Panel

The Sustainability Expert Advisory Panel (SEAP) works with Council to effectively achieve Council’s sustainability targets set out in our Community Strategic Plan and Environmental Action Plan (EAP) in an efficient and effective manner.

How often does the panel meet?

SEAP meets three times a year in March, July and November on the third Wednesday of the month and as needed on an informal basis.

Meeting details

The minutes and actions of SEAP are reported to Council’s Operations Panel.

Who attends the meetings?

There are nominated Councillors and up to six community representatives with relevant experience who attend the meetings. Other Councillors and the Mayor can also attend. The meetings are not open to the public.

Role of the panel

The aim of the SEAP is to assist Council in translating its strategic vision as outlined in the Waverley Community Strategic Plan and Council’s Environmental Action Plan (EAP) in an efficient and effective manner. SEAP focuses on the key areas of climate resilience and adaptation, water, biodiversity and waste.

The role of the Sustainability Expert Advisory Panel is to:

  • Work with Council to promote sustainable practices, focusing on the Waverley Community Strategic Plan and Environmental Action Plan.
  • Assist Council and the community to implement and achieve the environmental targets of the EAP.
  • Assist Council to integrate environmental sustainability into Council policy, plans and operations.


For more information refer to the SEAP charter or please contact:

Sam McGuinness
Executive Manager, Sustainable Waverley
Phone: 9083 8176