Heritage Conservation Areas

A heritage conservation area (HCA) describes an area which has heritage significance for its historic, aesthetic, social or technical values. Individual places may not demonstrate significance on their own but together form a cohesive and valued precinct. It’s important that development within a HCA area respects this significance and is consistent with the dominant built character through its form, scale, materials and siting.

The State Heritage Inventory (SHI) sheets provide information for property owners and those wishing to develop their properties by clearly stating why the identified areas are important and have been given special protection.  HCAs are listed in Schedule 5 Environmental Heritage of the Waverley Local Environment Plan 2012. You can use these sheets to understand how you can develop your property in a way that will help retain and enhance the significance of your local area. This also supports the preparation of information for development applications including heritage impact statements.

The Inventory Sheets for the Waverley HCAs are provided below:

Should you require further information, please contact Anne McGoverne, Strategic Planner (Heritage), on 9083 8117 or anne.mcgoverne@waverley.nsw.gov.au