Community Consultation

Waverley Council is guided by the Community Engagement Strategy (CES), which seeks to make community participation in local planning matters clearer for the Waverley community. It does this by outlining in one place how and when Council will involve the community and receive input across various planning processes and decisions. You can read the strategy here.

When it comes to Development Applications, the CES outlines the type of consultation method/s that will be utilised and the length of the consultation period.

The Development Application (DA) Notification Process

An important part of the assessment process for DAs (and related modification and review applications) is notifying the owners of land near the development site of the application.

This consultation can occur in a variety of ways including letters, emails, site notices or public notices. We notify owners and residents of properties in the vicinity of the proposal, so they have an opportunity to provide comment. We also notify local Precinct Committees of all applications received within their area.

Generally, time allowed for feedback is either 14 or 30 days (depending on the type of DA).

Access to Plans and Documents

The majority of plans and documents will be available for viewing on Council’s website by entering the address or development application reference number through the Development Application Tracker. If you do not have ready computer access, you can attend the Council's Bondi Junction Customer Service Centre between the hours of 8.30am and 4pm where you can view the information on one of the public terminals available. Hard copy plans are no longer available for viewing.

Making a Submission

A submission is a formal letter delivered to Council by post or email about a Development Application (DA) expressing your support or objection to the proposal.

Any person can make a submission provided it is in writing and it is made prior to the end of the notification period. All submissions will be considered in the assessment process and by the determination body. There is no cost to make a submission.

Submissions must:

  • Be in writing.
  • Indicate who is making the submission, or on whose behalf it is being made, the relevant address, contact phone number and email address.
  • If it is an objection, it should identify the reasons for the objection and any impacts that the objector says will arise from the proposal. It does not need to be prepared by an expert and does not need to assess the DA against Council's development controls or relevant legislation.
  • If there is a satisfactory solution to an impact, it should outline this.
  • It should only relate to ‘planning matters’ that are capable of being considered under the relevant legislation. This does not include matters such as personal issues related to the land owner, past behaviours or disputes with a neighbour or property (de)valuation.
  • It should be succinct, clear and easy to understand.

Submissions should be emailed to OR posted to The General Manager, PO Box 9, Bondi Junction 1355. Submissions that are provided by email will receive an automatic reply that acknowledges receipt.

Your submission, including your personal information, is not confidential and may be viewed and copied by, or provided electronically to, members of the public under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) on request. Submissions will not be published on Council’s website.

The supply of your personal information is voluntary. However, if you do not provide your contact details, Council may be unable to give proper consideration to your submission, or to contact you or update you about your submission.

You are entitled to access and correct the information you provide. Questions concerning privacy or the use and disclosure of your personal information should be referred to

Submissions to Councillors

In 2018, Local Planning Panels (formally known as Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels ie. the Waverley Development Assessment Panel) were made mandatory for all Sydney Councils under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Councillors are no longer involved in the decision-making process of Development Applications and therefore submissions should not be directed to Councillors.

Duty Planner

Council has a Duty Planner available for general enquiries relating to the planning process, policies and lodgement requirements. The Duty Officer is not able to provide detailed planning advice or high level planning information.

Make an appointment to speak to a duty planner

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