Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee 2019 (ARIC)

In February 2019, Council established the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to supersede the Audit Committee.

The last meeting of the Audit Committee was held in February 2019. The first meeting of the new Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee was held in October 2019.

The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is an independent advisory body that assists Council to fulfill its functions by providing advice on risk management, control, governance, business improvement and external accountability responsibilities. The advisory status of the Committee means that it may only make recommendations to management and the Council.

The Charter for the new Committee can be found here.

The Minutes of the October and December ARIC meetings will be published to this webpage after they have been reported to Council.

Agendas and Minutes

Audit Committee Agendas and Minutes
Agendas 28          
Minutes 28          
Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee (ARIC) Agendas and Minutes
Agendas         29 19
Minutes         29 19