Request a street tree

Want to live in a leafy suburb? You can help Council make your street a more beautiful, shadier, cleaner place by requesting a street tree to be planted in front of your property.

Each year Council’s arborists plant over 200 new and replacement street trees during the cooler months between April to September according to an annual schedule. Trees are sourced from quality nurseries and tree planting sites are thoroughly prepared. This ensures that the trees have the best possible start to a long life.

Please register your request to have a street tree planted.

Can I plant my own street tree?

Street tree planting, if carried out by residents without consultation with Council, however well meant, may unintentionally create problems with regard to sight lines for drivers and pedestrians, inconsistency of streetscape planting and possible damage to private or public property. Any trees planted on the naturestrip can also become potential long-term problems.

Council tries to accommodate all requests for tree planting and encourages residents to help with nurturing any newly planted tree.