New online services

16 July 2024 | Council News

easy as

Accessing Waverley Council’s most popular services is now easy-as:

Book a clean-up collection

Waverley residents have one scheduled collection per year, plus can book an additional two 'Your Call' collections per calendar. Book now.

Apply for a parking permit

The full range of resident and beach parking permits are now available online. Apply now.

Residents can also access discounted monthly parking at the Hollywood Avenue Car Park. More information.

Switch to e-Rates

Get your rates notice by email, with the option of paying by direct debit. More information.

Get local news direct

The Waverley Weekly e-newsletter provides information about the services, events and opportunities available to residents. Subscribe.

Need help?

During business hours, use the chat feature on our website (bottom right), call or visit us.