Business and childcare relief package supported by Waverley Council

30 June 2021 | Council News

Following an extraordinary meeting last night, Waverley Council has agreed to another round of business and community support measures to help local businesses during this current lockdown period.

The measures agreed include direct financial support through fee waivers along with childcare fee relief through the postponement of scheduled fee increases.

The business financial relief covers suspension of footpath seating fees as businesses are unable to provide customer seating on footpaths under the current restrictions.

Fees for sporting groups and venue hirers have been waived for the duration of the stay-at-home orders while commercial waste fees and charges have also been reduced due to reduced service level requirements.

Non-financial measures to ease business burden include:

  • relaxed enforcement of conditions of consent for restaurants to enable trade as takeaway-only services;
  • the continuation of Council’s capital works program to support employment in the construction sector; and
  • procurement from local suppliers if consistent with statutory procurement regulations and prescribed delegations.

Mayor Paula Masselos says “This business support package is scheduled for one month initially as NSW works hard to get on top of this outbreak. We are monitoring the situation closely and are hoping for recovery more quickly than in previous lockdowns.“

The childcare fee increase delay was supported by Council although this is subject to a 28-day exhibition period.

Mayor Masselos said “We know families still need to work and many find childcare costs a burden when their own incomes are at risk. For that reason Council voted to delay the scheduled child care fee increases.

“We are also ensuring our most vulnerable community members are being cared for with council officers working closely with our partners.

“I have faith in our community coming together and observing the public health orders to stay at home. We can get on top of this current outbreak together and I encourage everyone to get tested and vaccinated. Don’t forget to social distance and use those QR codes when out doing your essential shopping.”

To find out more about support measures available to small businesses, as well safety information for businesses operating under new restrictions, visit our Business Resource Centre.