Heritage information

A number of heritage studies have been completed for Waverley Council which document our history and significant heritage places.

Bondi Beach Inter-War Fact Sheets

The Bondi Beach Inter-War Fact Sheets (2017) have been designed to provide useful information on maintaining and altering residential flat buildings which were designed and built in the Inter-War period (c.1920s-1940s). It is intended that these fact sheet provide practical and useful information for individual owners, building managers and those undertaking work to this type of building.

The sheets are intended as a starting point and should not replace the need to seek professional advice before undertaking work to such buildings.

Bondi Beach Inter-War Study

The Bondi Beach Inter-War buildings of the Bondi Beach area make an important contribution to its attractive and distinctive character, a character which has appeal to both visitors and residents. The buildings also provide a backdrop to the nationally significant Bondi Beach. This Bondi Beach Inter-War Study was prepared in 2014 and provides:

  • a preliminary history of the Bondi Beach area in order to understand the historical context of the Inter-War  development of the area, in particular the Campbell Parade strip;
  • general information on the architecture of the Inter-War period;
  • the extent of Inter-War buildings along Campbell Parade;
  • information on typical colour palettes of the Inter-War period;
  • an approach to colour schemes for buildings along Campbell Parade;
  • recommendations to enhance the character of the area and,
  • information to assist building owners to maintain and upgrade buildings.

Waverley Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study

This report was prepared by Dominic Steele Consulting Archaeology in 2009 on behalf of Waverley Council and has been funded in part through the NSW Heritage Grant 2008-2010 administered by the NSW Heritage Office.

The document presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations developed for the Waverley Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study which have been established in consultation with the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Dharawal Elders Group.

The principal objectives of this study have been to research and identify Aboriginal cultural heritage sites documented to occur within the Waverley Local Government Area. The study involved extensive research of existing archival documentation, a review of statutory and non-statutory registers and listings, and a consideration of local histories (including oral history sources) and available pictorial sources concerning the use of the local Waverley landscape by Aboriginal people in the distant and more recent past.

Waverley Heritage Policy

This study identifies and assesses individual items, heritage conservation groups and conservation areas that are of notable heritage significance and value. This study also encourages the sympathetic retention of original (and perhaps, at times, less intact) buildings and attempts to improve the streetscape context of surviving pre-war elements. The aims of the Waverley Heritage Assessment (2007) are to:

  • identify, analyse and assess the environmental heritage of the Waverley local government area;
  • make practical recommendations for its conservation;
  • recommend existing and ongoing heritage promotions; and
  • educate and inform Waverley’s residents about heritage protection.

Bondi Junction Heritage Assessment

The aims of this Heritage Assessment (2004) have been to identify and analyse the environmental heritage of the Bondi Junction Area, and to make practical recommendations for its conservation.

The work for study has included the identification and assessment of individual items, groups and whole streetscapes that are of notable heritage significance and value. This study encourages the sympathetic retention of original but less intact buildings and tries to improve the streetscape context of surviving pre-war elements.

Please note that more detailed heritage inventory sheets are being prepared for certain heritage items and conservation areas. If you cannot find a heritage inventory sheet for your property or would like further information, please contact Anne McGoverne, Strategic Planner (Heritage), on 9083 8117 or anne.mcgoverne@waverley.nsw.gov.au