Have Your Say on keeping our streets clean

17 September 2021 | Council News

17 September 2021

Waverley Council is inviting the community to provide feedback about our draft Waste in Public Places Policy to ensure our streets and environment remain clean and litter-free.

If you are a resident or business that places waste/recycling on land under the care and control of Council for collection, then this policy applies to you.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the Policy provides clear direction and expectations when presenting waste for collection.

“Waste or bins stored or left in public places can lead to a variety of issues, including infestations of vermin, flies and birds to environmental pollution, unattractive streetscapes and obstacles for pedestrians, bicycles, and cars,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Leaving bins or other waste on public land for extended periods can result in bins tipping over, vandalism, windblown litter, additional dumped rubbish, obstruction for pedestrians, impact to amenity and health hazards.

“By following our Waste in Public Places Policy, the community can keep our streets clear of waste and we can all enjoy a more beautiful and healthy Waverley.

“Businesses that manage waste responsibly are more likely to reap the benefits of a clean and litter-free space that invites more customers and shows that businesses care about their local area.”

The policy is open for exhibition at haveyoursay.waverley.nsw.gov.au until 4 Oct 2021 and is to be read in conjunction with Council’s Waste in Public Places Guidelines which are also available on the Have Your Say site.

The policy does not apply to waste/recycling on private property. Waste on private property is guided by the provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, the Waverley Local Environment Plan 2012 and the Waverley Development Control Plan 2012.

Media Enquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.