A message from the Mayor about connected communities 

26 July 2021 | Council News

26 July 2021

I would like to thank the people of Waverley for their ongoing kindness and resilience during this challenging time of COVID-19 pandemic.

We continue to face unprecedented challenges in the wake of the emergence of the highly contagious delta strain of the virus in Sydney and it is vital that we all closely follow the Public Health Orders and health advice to help curb rates of transmission and hospitalisation. This delta variant is not discriminating by post code, and nor does it appear, discriminate by age as we are seeing children and young people now being diagnosed, and hospitalised, with COVID 19.

The actions of protestors in Sydney on Saturday has frustrated and angered most fair-minded people in the community. The challenge for Sydney now and indeed the rest of the state is to remain vigilant about the risks of COVID-19, maintain high rates of testing, abide by the public health orders and get vaccinated.

We know that the current stay-at-home restrictions have impacted everyone in Sydney, and we are no different here in Waverley. But compliance, commonsense, kindness and patience must prevail. There are still more than 60 active cases of COVID-19 in Waverley and no-one is immune to catching or spreading the disease. Having said that, our case numbers have reduced from over 80 and this extraordinary achievement is because we have all come together as a community to beat this scourge. I can only give a heartfelt thanks to you all for doing the right thing. However there is no room for complacency at this time as we must continue to be vigilant. We still have a long way to go to get on top of this crisis.

Please, if you need assistance, reach out to Service NSW (for businesses) via their website or phone 13 77 88 or Services Australia  (for individuals) or call Waverley Customer Service on 9083 8000 if you are unsure where to turn.

Waverley Council is also doing its bit to support small businesses and families through our relief measures and we ask you to support each other by checking in on your loved ones over the phone; ask your neighbour if they need help with groceries or errands; call your local community organisation and see whether they need donations of goods or services, and continue to support local business through Keep It Local. Connect with your neighbours and each other via our Connected Waverley Facebook page and share opportunities to help one another.

I again wish to thank the wonderful COVID-19 testing staff from St Vincent’s Hospital, everyone working in health, our local police, our residents, our families juggling with online learning and our small businesses who have had to diversify.

Council continues to work with NSW Police and NSW Health to assist the Government in enforcing the Public Health Orders and has implemented strong measures to ensure people behave safely.  Our response to this pandemic is guided by the Public Health Orders and the best health advice which ensures that we as a Council, are doing all we can to keep our community safe.

Please, if you have any symptoms or concerns, get tested immediately and remain in isolation until you receive a negative result. Make your appointment to get vaccinated or talk to your GP about your options. Keep up to date about venues of concern, maintain social distancing when you are doing essential shopping and exercise, follow rules for facemasks, maintain good hand hygiene and help our contact tracers by checking into venues using the QR codes provided.

Together, our collective efforts will make a difference.

Paula Masselos, Mayor of Waverley