Have Your Say: Paul Street bike route

08 April 2019 | Council News

8 April 2019

Waverley Council wants to hear from you about a proposal to formalise an on-road bike route along Paul Street, Bondi Junction.

The route will directly connect the Bondi Junction to Bondi Beach bike route along Old South Head Road with the Bondi Junction to Bronte Beach route through Waverley Park.

As this road has low car traffic, this route was specified as mixed traffic, meaning that the bicycle riders share the road with motor vehicles with no separate bike lane.

The Waverley Bike Plan identified that riders would also need to cross Bondi Road at the signalised pedestrian crossing.

Our proposal is to formalise the bike route by installing:

  • On-road pavement markers to identify the route along both Paul Street North and South (to Waverley Park entrance)
  • Destination signage to Bronte, Bondi Junction and Bellevue Hill
  • Warning signage for motorists entering Paul Street North at Bondi Road
  • A small section of shared path at Bondi Road to connect the on-road bike route to each side of the signalised pedestrian crossing
  • A new ramp for bikes to access the shared path directly from Paul Street North

To have your say about the proposal, fill out the survey at https://haveyoursay.waverley.nsw.gov.au/paul-street-bike-route. Submissions close 5pm, 14 April 2019.

The proposal and all submissions will be reported to the next Traffic Committee meeting for determination. If approved, it is anticipated that the installation will commence in June 2019.