Section 10.7 planning certificates

Under Section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Waverley Council can issue a certificate providing information about planning controls or property issues relating to any piece of land within the local government area.

There are two types of Section 10.7 Planning Certificates:

  • A Planning Certificate issued under Section 10.7(2) provides information about the zoning and land uses of the property, the relevant state, regional and local planning controls and other property issued such as land contamination, land acquisition, flooding or acid sulphate soils.
  • A Planning Certificate issued under Section 10.7(2&5) provides all the information referred to in a Section 10.7(2) Planning Certificate above as well as additional information that Council chooses to provide such as  whether the property is within the Railway corridor (SEPP Infrastructure), subject to additional permitted uses, affected by site specific controls or planning controls for the minimum lot size for subdivision.

A Planning Certificate (2) cannot be upgraded to a Planning Certificate (2&5), or a (5) ordered separately - please consider your needs prior to ordering your certificate. If you have any questions about the information that appears on a Planning Certificate you can contact Council’s Duty Planner on 9083-8484

Apply for Section 10.7 Certificates

Apply online using our online automated certificate service and receive an electronic PDF version of your Section 10.7 Planning Certificate. The process is simple:

  • Register an account or simply log in as a one-time user
  • Follow the easy step-by-step process to order your certificate
  • Pay by credit card and you will receive a receipt straight away

One-time users

One-time users can order multiple certificates at once and track the status of their applications, but will need to enter their contact details each time they lodge an application online. This is recommended for customers who many only need to use the system once or very rarely.

This service is part of Council’s aim to provide faster, more user friendly services and manage information in a more accessible way.

Registered users

You can choose to become a registered user of the e-Certificate service, which will make ordering multiple certificates quicker and easier, and will provide you with access to a full history of all previous orders and transactions on the site. This is recommended for customers who may need to lodge applications regularly for a variety of e-Certificates.

Apply online for e-Certificates

We’re making the application for Certificates quicker and easier with the expansion of our online e-Certificates system.

You can now apply online for:

  • Section 10.7 Planning Certificates
  • Section 603 Rating Certificates
  • Section 735A and 121ZP Certificates.

Apply now