Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Waverley Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) plans for Waverley’s economic, social and environmental needs over the next 20 years (to 2036). The LSPS identifies planning priorities to protect and support our infrastructure, environment, and how we live and work so that we can thrive. It identifies short, medium and long term actions that Council will take to help achieve our vision for a sustainable well-connected community, living in a stunning natural environment.

This LSPS has been prepared in accordance with clause 3.9 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the EP&A Act). The LSPS brings together and builds on planning work found in Council’s other plans, studies and strategies including Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP), Development Control Plan (DCP) and Development Contributions Plan. The LSPS will be used to guide any updates to these plans, and identifies additional strategies and policies to be developed, so that our community vision is clear throughout our planning framework. A clear vision that guides how we make planning decisions is important to both delivering on the vision, as well as ensuring accountability and trust in the planning system.

The LSPS gives effect to a number of strategic plans prepared by the NSW Government. This includes implementing the directions and actions of A Metropolis of Three Cities 2016-2036 (Region Plan) and the Eastern City District Plan 2016-2036 (District Plan). These Plans and the LSPS are subject to the NSW Government’s State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) as well as Ministerial Directions.

The LSPS is also informed by, and will inform, other state-wide and regional policies including the Future Transport Plan 2056 and the State Infrastructure Strategy. The LSPS outlines how these plans will result in changes at the local level, such as new or improved transport connections. The LSPS is intended to be a land use plan that aligns with and implements the broader Waverley Community Strategic Plan (CSP) prepared by Council in consultation with the community. The Planning Priorities and Actions outlined in this document provide the rationale for decisions about how Council will use land-use planning to achieve the community’s broader goals.

The LSPS is divided into four subject areas: Infrastructure and Collaboration, Liveability, Productivity and Sustainability with Planning Priorities and Actions in each. The implementation of the LSPS will be measured and reported on through the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework as outlined by the NSW Government.