Have Your Say about our plans to increase disability inclusion in Waverley

17 May 2022 | Media Release

17 May 2022

Waverley Council is inviting the community to provide feedback about our draft Waverley Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2022-2026.

The DIAP will help Council work towards improving community inclusion and access in Waverley over the next four years in the key outcomes areas of attitudes and behaviours, liveable communities, meaningful employment and systems and processes as identified by people who live, visit and work in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

The feedback Council receives from the community will help ensure that our latest DIAP continues to be relevant and consistent with our community’s needs, Mayor Masselos said.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the Council will achieve these outcomes by working in partnership with neighbouring Councils, disability services, businesses and the community.

“Our aims and actions are to support our residents to participate positively in community life whatever their age, gender, physical or cognitive ability, socio-economic status, sexuality or cultural background, to feel that they can be active, healthy, valued and connected,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan provides a framework to increase community participation by providing safe, accessible and inclusive services and public spaces.

“The feedback we receive from the community will help ensure that our latest DIAP continues to be relevant and consistent with our community’s needs.”

Consultation closes on Wednesday 6 June 2022 at haveyoursay.waverley.nsw.gov.au/diap21. The Council has prepared a summary document of the proposed activities in the Plan, and we welcome any feedback on the suggested actions.

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