Help for our feathered friends

12 April 2019 | Media Release

12 April 2019

Help for our feathered friends

Read about Living Connections in the Wentworth Courier and Architecture & Design.

Waverley Council is providing more than 5000 free plants to 250 properties in Bronte and Tamarama to attract native wildlife back to the area.

The Living Connections program aims to link habitat corridors so that bird species such as the Superb Fairy-wren and New Holland honeyeater can move more freely and have access to shelter and food.

Mayor of Waverley, John Wakefield, said the unique design of Living Connections, removes the uncertainty of what to plant where, that many residents face when trying to plan a garden.

“Our Sustainable team will visit the garden and provide plants that will grow well in our coastal conditions and that also provide food and shelter for small birds and other wildlife,” Mayor Wakefield said.

“Good bird habitat can still work well in a garden that also includes a deck and BBQ, kids play area, or pool. It could just take up one corner of your garden.

“We do not expect people to have wild native gardens, unless they want them of course.”

Habitat mapping conducted by Council showed there is the potential to link the coastal habitat corridor at Bronte and Tamarama with fragmented habitat pockets that are dotted up towards Waverley and Centennial Park.

“We are aiming to create a corridor between these sites and up to Waverley Park.”

Changes in modern garden design and a lack of green space contribute to the lack of available small bird habitat in our area.

Council piloted the program with seven households who have now planted their new seedlings. All residents are asked to report on birds spotted in their garden at the beginning of the program and again two years later. We hope to see an increase in the small birds we are trying to help.

Council will also run the program on land it owns in the area.

The program has been assisted by the New South Wales government through its Environmental Trust and supported by Sydney Landcare, Vision 202020, Habitat Stepping Stones, and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.

Apartment gardens will be assessed on their suitability for the program on an individual basis. The project may be expanded to other parts of Waverley in the future depending on funding.

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