Waverley Youth Art Prize 2024 winners announced

11 June 2024 | Council News

The Waverley Youth Art Prize provides a platform to celebrate and recognise the talents of emerging artists aged 9 to 18 who live, study or spend time in Waverley.  On Thursday 6 June, we awarded the 2024 prize winners and celebrated all 265 entries which have enabled us to create a moving and colourful exhibition at Waverley Library.

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Winners of the 2024 Waverley Art Prize.

All artworks are exhibited at Waverley Library Gallery until Thursday 25 July, allowing visitors to appreciate the artistic skills and perspectives of these talented young individuals who responded to the Mysteries of the Deep theme in such thoughtful and creative ways.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, presented the prizes to the young people and said the exhibition provides a fantastic opportunity for emerging artists to have their work seen by a wider audience.

This years Youth Art Prize judges, artists Jacquie Meng and Cameron Stead, had the difficult task of judging the prize.

The Mayors Prize went to Tilly Naar and Lynn Li for their entries Dolphin Reef and Anglefish.

Winners received a range of art materials to help with future creations.

Tilly Naar, Dolphin ReefLynn Li, Anglefish

Senior first place winner, Misha Heazlewood, received a voucher to attend the National Art School’s summer program for her entry Polluted Prawn Cocktail.

Micha Heazlewood, Polluted Prawn Cocktail

This prize has seen many recent winners undertake time at the National Art School and even led to full-time study at the school.

The full list of winners are as follows:

Tilly Naar, Mayors Prize
Lynn Li, Mayors Prize
Misha Heazlewood, Senior 1
Rose Lespets, Senior 2
Coco Batu-Sampson, Senior 3
Claudia Sidoti, Senior HC
Jet Batu-Sampson, Intermediate 1
Zaneta Danusas, Intermediate 2
Suvdaa, Intermediate 3
Annabel Mills, Intermediate HC
Esra Vasfi, Junior 1
Luke Wu, Junior 2
Alexander Banhidi and August Bergland, Junior 3
Oliver Starkenburg, Junior HC
Oscar Petersen, Best Interpretation of the Theme
Lexi Smith, Best Sculpture

Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.