Clarke Reserve Playground upgrade complete

26 May 2021 | Council News

26 May 2021

Waverley Council today celebrated the official opening of its upgrade of Clarke Reserve Playground, Vaucluse.

Following consultation and the development of concept plans, grant funding to the value of $100,000 was received in February 2019 from the State Governments, Stronger Communities Fund, to upgrade the play space.

Features of the upgrade include:

  • A new accessible path connecting the playground to the footpath
  • New playground equipment including a spinner
  • More trees and other planting
  • Barrier fencing to deter dogs from entering the playground

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos and Member of Vaucluse, Gabrielle Upton, cut a ribbon to officially celebrate the completion of works.

Mayor Masselos said Clarke Reserve is one of Waverley’s most loved play spaces and families are enjoying the new-look facilities.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Council was unable to host an event last year when the upgrade was completed.

Mayor Masselos and Gabrielle Upton celebrate with Waverley Councillors Leon Goltsman, Will Nemesh and Sally Betts.

Media inquiries: or 0416 075 532.