A message from the Mayor 

14 October 2021 | Council News

14 October 2021

On behalf of Waverley Council, I would like to wish the community joy and many blessings as our places of worship reopen and are filled with prayer once more.

I would like to thank the Waverley community for their resilience and kindness during lockdown, and our local Reverends, Rabbis and all religious leaders for providing comfort and support to our community remotely during this time.

Under the current Public Health Orders, all places of worship must complete a COVID-19 Safety Plan and putting these plans in action will help make your community and visitors feel safe. Under current rules, if you are not fully vaccinated you cannot attend a place of worship at this time.

Weddings and religious services may have up to 100 people who are fully vaccinated and this same number applies to funerals and memorial services. People who are not fully vaccinated can only attend small weddings and funerals as per the restrictions outlined on this page on the NSW Government’s website.

As of today, there was 104 active cases of COVID-19 in the Waverley local government area, so we must remain vigilant.

Please, continue to get vaccinated, stay at home and get tested immediately if you are feeling unwell, wear masks indoors and on public transport and check in using the Service NSW app.

Together, we can help keep #covidsafe

For more, visit: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules

Paula Masselos,

Mayor of Waverley