Waverley Council Staff Charitable Trust donations top $150,000

06 August 2020 | Council News

6 August 2020

The Waverley Council Staff Charitable Trust this week celebrated its 20th anniversary with an $18,000 donation yesterday to three charities making a significant difference in the community.

Gunawirra, Killara Refuge Randwick (St Vinnies) and the Artists' Benevolent Fund (National Association for Visual Arts) each received a $6000 donation to help them continue their valuable work.

The Waverley Council Staff Charitable Trust is a group of employees who have voluntarily banded together to organise donations for worthwhile charities.

Since 2000, it has distributed more than $151,193 to local charities through Waverley Council staff donating a portion of their wages. Each year, three charities are nominated to receive donations.

“If you look at the history of who we have donated to, we really like to try and choose smaller charities that may have less opportunities for access to funding,” a spokesperson for the Trust said.

“We also like to assist different charities each year.”

Gunawirra was formed in 2008 to provide a coordinated and multi-faceted approach to improving wellbeing within Aboriginal families and to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people, families and communities to develop to their full potential.

Killara Refuge is a crisis accommodation and case management service for women with children who have experienced domestic/family violence. It operates within a client-centred service delivery framework based on the principles of safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration and empowerment and incorporates both trauma informed and culturally competent practices.

Artists' Benevolent Fund (National Association for the Visual Arts makes funds available for disaster and emergency visual arts practice recovery during difficult times, such as the new year bushfires. It aims to ensure that Australia’s visual artists survive and thrive in their artistic practices as they seek to deal with experiences beyond their control that can so tragically end careers.

Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.