A message from the Mayor

05 November 2020 | Council News

5 November 2020

As we prepare for the countdown to the festive season, I would like to remind the community to use our public places safely and observe the current Public Health Orders (PHOs) and health advice at all times. Current PHOs limit public outdoor gatherings to 30 people for a common purpose, and people need to continue to social distance by 1.5 metres or a towel-length apart unless you are from the same household. If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home and get tested, and remain in isolation until you receive a negative result.

On that note, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the team at St Vincent’s Health for their great work at the Bondi Beach drive-through testing clinic. The clinic has carried out a whopping 60,000 tests since March, and has been expanded to allow more people to be tested at once. ​Passengers of sixteen cars can now be tested at any one time.  If you are experiencing a sore throat, a slight cough or sneeze, or are feeling unwell, I encourage you to visit the pop up clinic and get tested; results are now being made available more quickly than ever.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council is currently considering an adapted scaled-down version of Carols by the Sea and a very modest New Year’s Eve offering. A final decision on whether to proceed is still to be made and discussions are ongoing.

​While Sculptures by the Sea is proceeding this year as an exemption was not granted by NSW Health, we are continuing to work with Sculptures by the Sea on options for a COVID- safe world-class sculpture exhibition in 2021 while ensuring our community’s safety.  Council manages its outdoor public in line with current PHOs and the latest health advice, so this will be a determining factor when reviewing potential dates for an exhibition next year. We really appreciate and applaud the effort and dedication that the artists have put into creating works for the exhibition during these difficult and challenging times, and look forward to the return of the event.

Expressions of interest are now open for our new Waverley Cultural Advisory Committee. The committee will help guide the future direction of culture in Waverley and provide advice to Council on major cultural issues, initiatives and opportunities. This is a significant opportunity for arts industry professionals and those with experience in the advancement of arts and culture to provide their insights. Expressions of interest close 22 November.

HeadOn Australia’s leading annual international photography event- returns to Bondi Beach on Friday 6 November until Sunday 6 December with photographic displays along the southern end of the beach promenade. The works have been specifically chosen to compliment the Bondi scenery. For more, visit headon.com.au

And finally, I would like to remind the community that at 11am on Wednesday 11 November, we will pause for a minutes’ silence on Remembrance Day to observe the Armistice that ended World War 1 and to commemorate the loss of Australian lives during this war, and all other wars and conflicts. Remembrance Day has special significance in Waverley, where, on 15 December 1918, our residents gathered in Waverley Park to witness The Right Honourable, Sir Ronald Ferguson, Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, unveil the Waverley Great Memorial, known to many as the Waverley Cenotaph, in honour of the many brave soldiers who died in conflict. I encourage people to stop by the Cenotaph next time they are in Waverley Park, which our Outdoor staff do such a beautiful job maintaining, and reflect on the sacrifices made by others.

Paula Masselos

Mayor of Waverley