Waverley Cultural Plan

08 April 2019 | Council News

8 April 2019

Have Your Say about the Waverley Cultural Plan

To continue to encourage and support culture and creativity in Waverley, Council is preparing a Cultural Plan.

The plan will set goals and strategies to deliver the cultural objectives of Council’s Community Strategic Plan, including a strong focus on increasing opportunities for the community to celebrate and participate in art and culture.

Waverley draws strength from a rich and diverse cultural landscape and we pride ourselves on the creative people, cultural programs and events, vibrant places and spectacular coastline that activate our community and provide social connections.

We want to hear from you about where and how you create, learn or experience culture in Waverley and your ideas for the future.

To have your say, please complete the Cultural Plan Survey at https://www.haveyoursay.waverley.nsw.gov.au/waverleyculturalplan. Submissions close 30 April 2019.