Waverley Council appoints head contractor for $1.8M Seven Ways Project

18 September 2019 | Council News

18 September 2019

Waverley Council has appointed Hibernian Contracting Pty Ltd as head contractor for the $1.8 million Seven Ways Streetscape Upgrade project in Bondi.

Located at the intersection of Glenayr Avenue, Warners Avenue and Blair Street, Seven Ways is a local village centre serving the Bondi community.

Waverley Mayor, Councillor John Wakefield, said the Seven Ways precinct is the closest open space for many North Bondi residents and has the potential for far greater use than currently experienced.

“Our project will enhance the amenity and quality of the public domain, plaza, green space and streetscape at Seven Ways to support local businesses and residents’ social and open space needs,” Councillor Wakefield said.

“It will be an attractive and relaxing place for locals to enjoy.”

During the exhibition period of community consultation, 142 surveys were received with more than 90 per cent of respondents living in the local Bondi and North Bondi areas.

The project will be delivered in stages. It is anticipated the first stage will be completed by December this year, with the second stage delivered following completion of stage 1 and an anticipated completion date of March 2020.

Hibernian Contracting won a competitive tender from five other conforming tenderers.

Among Hibernian Contracting’s projects of note is the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk landslip remediation works, reinstatement of coastal walk and landscaping at Waverley Cemetery, also undertaken for Council.

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