Waverley local heroes of the year 2018
On Wednesday 23 May, Waverley Council hosted a cocktail evening at Easts Leagues Club to honour and celebrate the achievements of Waverley’s Local Heroes and Council’s Volunteers. More than 100 guests attended including Local Heroes, Volunteers and their families.
The Mayor of Waverley, Councillor John Wakefield announced Waverley’s Local Heroes for 2018.
Local Hero Award - Strengthening Community - Efim Solovey.
Volunteer for Jewish Care for over 25 years and President of the Russian branch of the NSW Association of Jewish Ex-servicemen and women (NAJEX), Efim has assisted many new Russian community members to better understand and find their place in their new Australian community while also assisting those in difficult situations.
Certificate of Commendation – Strengthening Community - Laya Slavin, Co-Founder Our Big Kitchen.
Co-founder of Our Big Kitchen, Laya has worked alongside husband, Rabbi Dovid Slavin to establish Our Big Kitchen and several other worthwhile community initiatives.
Local Hero Award – Community Volunteer – Leila Forde
Volunteered for 28 years with the Bondi Junction branch of the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA). Leila leads a team of volunteer councillors and educators, she trains both councillors and educators, delivering and assessing the training courses offered by the ABA.
Certificate of Commendation – Allan Scott, Bondi Surf Bathers Club.
Since 1960, Allan has been contributing to Bondi Surf Bathers Club for over 57 years. Throughout this time, his dedication has seen the club grow through the generations.
He has also held a variety of roles in the club including elected leadership positions and less prestigious but necessary roles.
Local Hero Award – Community Life – Sara Hawkins.
Dedicated to the local netball community for the last 6 years, Sara has provided the opportunity for many children to play netball who may otherwise not been able to play. Her dedication has made and continues to make a difference to many young girls and boys in the Waverley Community.
Local Hero – Working Together (Joint Award) - Mum For Mum, and Friends of Waverley Cemetery.
Local Hero– Working Together – MUM FOR MUM NCJWA.
Mum For Mum is a non-denominational home-visiting program of the National Council of Jewish Women which helps build a mother’s confidence in her new role and encourages mothers to access professional services when needed.
Local Hero– Working Together – Friends of Waverley Cemetery
Friends of Waverley Cemetery is a Council volunteer program which aims to celebrate, share and preserve the history of Waverley cemetery and those buried there. The Friends have partnered with Council over any years to preserve the history of the cemetery, deliver open days and events. During events, they play an integral role in assisting visitors in search of relatives and taking tours of various sections of the cemetery.
Local Hero – Second Nature Champion - Glen Stevens
One of Waverley Council’s longest serving environmental volunteers, Glen has led the Bronte Gully Bushcare Group for over 20 years. Glen is the key volunteer of the group and liaises between the other volunteers and Council. He is also personally responsible for planting much of the loved bushland area as well as terracing and mulching steep slopes - undertaking this work in all weather.
Certificate of Commendation – Robin Mellon
Robin is a passionate and active advocate for the environment in his professional and personal life. Robin initiated the Sustainability by the Sea Summits in partnership with Council. These events bought locals from diverse backgrounds together to identify and scope local projects that will drive change towards a more sustainable future.
Young Local Hero Award – Chloe Luu and Belinda Gao (joint award)
Volunteering for Waverley Library since 2014, Chloe and Belinda have far exceeded the required 200 hours for their Duke of Edinborough Award program. Belinda and Chloe are role-models for other library volunteers and for children demonstrating what a positive impact young people can have in the community. Both capable and enthusiastic, one event saw the library receive an industry award.
Mayoral Certificate of Encouragement – Plastic Free Bronte
Began in 2016 and aims to reduce the use of single-use plastic and plastic pollution in the Bronte neighbourhood (Bronte Beach, Bronte Park and the ocean).